我们身边的犯罪우리 이웃의 범죄(2010)

又名:Sin of a family/我们身边的犯罪



导演:闵秉镇 编剧:闵秉镇 Min Byeong-jin





Plot Summary:Detective Cho (Shin Hyeon-joon) is incompetent and always fails to be promoted. His only pleasures in life are spying on neighbors who are having affairs or binge drinking. One day, Cho comes across the corpse of what seems to be a child on a nearby mountain and he decides to investigate the case, thinking that this is his last chance to impress his boss. Cho enlists the help of his partner, Detective Lee, and together the two embark upon an investigation that will test their professional judgement. The more they learn about the case, the more they come to suspect that the poverty-stricken father of the dead child is their killer. But the case goes off course when the two begin to sympathize with him. With the number of child murders increasing every year in Korea, the film tackles a timely subject with compelling performances by actors including Shin and Jeon No-min, who is currently starring as a butler at a local conglomerate at MBC drama series "Royal Family." It is the first film...
新片《我们身边的犯罪》讲述的是农村刑警申贤俊与李基宇在村里一个自闭症儿童突然横死之后,两人联手搭档查找犯人的故事。影片以家族中长辈杀人的题材作为主线,展现了富有冲击力而又令人悲哀的故事。 幕后花絮 4月7日影片首映当天正好赶上日本大地震至核电站泄漏事故发生后被放射性物质污染的雨水降临韩国,可能是受其影响,首映当天观影人数仅有531名。而当日《危险的见面礼》观影人数近6万,这样的现实对于《我们身边的犯罪》来说是个不小的打击。 影片根据2004年9月在智异山蛇寺谷发现一具因窒息死亡后被埋葬于此的少年尸体的真实案件为开端。 相关资料 影片将于2011年4月7日上映。其中申贤俊在影片中扮演了男一号--一名无能但是内心却充满热情的警察,这也是申贤俊从影20多年来首次在电影中扮演警察。
