Plot Summary:Karen advertises for a roommate, and a charming young woman, named Christine, charms her way into the apartment and into Karen's life. But soon, Christine is revealed to be a dangerous psychopath who proceeds to sabotage Karen's life any way she can, as well as kill all her friends whom suspect her secret past.
The Devil's Bloody Playthings是一部紧张的心理恐怖片。Christine是一个时髦、做作的年轻女人,她利用、折磨和性敲诈她的同屋Karen。Karen来自南非,除了有点幼稚,看起来和蔼,讨人喜爱。她抵达新泽西需要一个落脚处,并在Christine那里租的一个房间。不过Christine让她的一举一动都通过偷拍摄像机记录了下来,他还威胁将性爱场景曝光给家人或上传到互联网。对于Karen,起初当然没有觉察到这些,但是很快获知她的房间布满了摄像头。而在一次包含有她为未来客户充当性奴画面,以让她蒙羞为赌注的敲诈刺激下,Karen开始越来越脱离现实,最终崩溃进疯狂血腥,无节制的神经质行为中。