
又名:Tree Without Roots / Lalsalu



导演:Tanvir Mokammel 





Plot Summary:In a remote agrarian village, suddenly a haggard-looking Mullah named Majid appears. He cleans up an old dilapidated grave and declares it as the shrine of a famous 'Pir' (a holy man). He begins to take care of the shrine and worship it. The villagers, of course, have no clue who the holy man was, and though it is a hoax, gradually give in and begin to believe in the myth.The mystery of the grave, the iconic red fabric covering its oval shaped structure, the glowing candles and the Quran verses that Majid recites beside the grave, create such an aura in the ambiance that the villagers, mostly simple peasants, completely succumb to Majid's spell. They start to bring rice and money as offerings to the 'holy shrine'. The shrine, over the years, provides Majid not only economic solvency but psychological domination over the community as well. From a vagabond desperado, he becomes a man well rooted in society. He marries Rahima, a not-so-young but hard working peasant woman who though ...
