
主演:王禄江 钟琴 陈建彬 李文海 程旭辉 

导演:韩耀光 编剧:韩耀光 Yew Kwang Han





Plot Summary:Cologne, a washed-up and out-of-love scriptwriter ends up at a home for the elderly as a caretaker/janitor. He unwittingly turns the place inside out, and transforms everyone's life in the process. He encourages the old folks to relive and pursue their dreams, turning the austere and oppressive home into a vibrant and colorful place. In return, the old folks work together to help Cologne realize his dream. Follow the misadventures of Cologne and five colorful denizens of the home - Xiao Bai Long, Han Lao Shi, Xiao Ming, Tian Cai and Ge Ge. Along the way, he antagonizes, but is also attracted to the young and beautiful Miss Lim, the director of the home who administers a strict set of regulations.
