电影少女2018電影少女~VIDEO GIRL AI 2018~(2018)


主演:西野七濑 野村周平 饭丰万理江 清水寻也 大友花恋 户次重幸 

导演:関和亮 真壁幸纪 桑岛宪司 编剧:喜安浩平 Kohei Kiyasu/山田能龙 Yoshitatsu Yamada/真壁幸纪 Yukinori Makabe/室岡ヨシミコ Yoshimiko Murooka/桂正和 Masakazu Katsura




Plot Summary:Sho Moteuchi (Shuhei Nomura) is a high school student. After his parents divorced, he begins to live with his uncle. At school, he develops feelings for his classmate Nanami, but Nanami likes his friend Tomoaki. One day, he finds an old broken video cassette recorder at his uncle's house. Sho repairs the video cassette recorder and suddenly a video of girl plays. The girl in the video introduces herself as Video Girl Ai. The girl then steps out of the video and lives with Sho for the next 3 months.
普通高中生弄内翔(野村周平 饰)因父母离婚而住进了当绘本作家的叔叔弄内洋太的空房子,开始一个人的生活。翔暗恋同班同学奈奈美,可奈奈美却对翔的好朋友智章芳心暗许。一天,翔偶然在家发现了一台坏的录像机,里面还插着一盒录像带。他修好录像带后按下播放键,一个自称“VIDEO girl·天野爱(西野七濑 饰)”的女孩居然中屏幕里走了出来。于是,翔和爱在同一屋檐下开始了一段三个月的奇妙生活。
