Plot Summary:Bernard Bovet is a man who worked the land. He has a firm handshake and is a thoughtful, measured and attentive man who commands the respect of everyone in his native Gruyère. Bernard candidly talks about his life and the story of his region. To hear this patriarch from Gruyère expressing his love for the mountains and alluding to key moments in his life means hea- ring fervent, fair and simple words that lightly and poetically restore the last vestiges of a traditional farming world which has gradually been di- sappearing, taking a large number of values with it.
Bernard Bovet 在阿尔卑斯山区居住了50年,一直以放牧为生。 在这之后,他对电影表现出了浓厚的兴趣。凭借着他超群的洞察力以及他的超8毫米胶片相机,他用影像记录下了格吕耶尔的乡村景象以及当地居民的生活。 这是一部关于流逝的时光的影片,它追根溯源,记录下了正在消逝的农业传统。 影片用怀旧的眼光审视着这个世界的遗产,折射出它的价值和智慧。