
又名:同伙 / The Mate

主演:千正明 韩智慧 李相仑 姜志燮 李文植 

导演:林泰佑 编剧:金云景 Woon-Kyeong Kim





Plot Summary:The Duo is swashbuckling tale of a bandit hero who fights for the people. Chun Doong is born into a noble family, but he's switched at birth with the son of peasants. Growing up poor and downtrodden, he gradually grows angry as he watches the oppression around him, and becomes a heroic outlaw. Meanwhile, Gwi Dong, the child he was switched with, grows up as a privileged nobleman, and becomes a head of the police. The two men, unconsciously living each other's lives, are total opposites-one stands for justice through the law, and the other seeks justice through crime. Fate has plans to reunite them, however, when they both fall for the same beautiful woman. A fusion sageuk-or historical drama-that combines action and romance in a fun blend, The Duo is an easy hit with audiences.
该剧是讲述在朝鲜后期两个男人互换身份后发生的故事,千正明饰演的角色,本是富甲金辰砂府上的儿子,但却与窝棚乞丐同一天出生的孩子调换了, 是一个励精图治的人物角色,千正明 为了新面貌 而将有高强度的动作场面。
