Plot Summary:In Roman-dominated Egypt, the corrupt administration of a governor named Petronius has sparked a revolt headed by El Kabir, a young man who learns that he's actually the son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. When Petronius' daughter, Livia, newly-arrived from Rome, falls into his hands, El Kabir uses this opportunity to win her over to his side before releasing her to her father. Livia's efforts to promote peace, however, are thwarted, and only the arrival of Octavian Caesar can bring about a resolution to the troubled situation.
Roger Browne,希拉·加贝尔,吉雅科莫·罗西·斯图尔特,丹尼埃·瓦尔加斯,Germano Longo,Gianni Solaro,Franco Di Trocchio,Gian Paolo Rosmino,阿尔菲奥·卡尔塔比亚诺,Pietro Ceccarelli,Pietro Marascalchi,马里奥·诺维里,内洛·帕扎菲尼,Calisto Calisti,Antonio Corevi