
又名:The Messenger


主演:Matěj Hádek Jiří Vyorálek Jan  

导演:伏拉基米尔·米切尔 编剧:伏拉基米尔·米切尔 Vladimír Michálek





Plot Summary:Petr (Matej Hádek) is a courier, a messenger as a matter of fact. He is one of those young men who believe that on their bikes they have become part and parcel of the atmosphere of modern cities. He is a non-conformist who refuses to settle into today's deformed society, he abhors its indolence, consumerism and lies, as well as its pseudo-truths, pseudo-feelings, pseudo-loves and pseudo-values. Petr's untrammeled personality keeps causing more and more serious problems. And Petr is also one of those who will never admit to themselves that they might be at the end of their tether.
Petr works as a messenger, although his volatile temperament never allows him to keep a job for very long. And what of his girlfriend, who has to put up with his moods, especially after he gets fired? He can’t wait to get out of the city, but will it do any good to escape? Maybe he should first just get things sorted out in his head.
