Plot Summary:Shabri lives an impoverished lifestyle along with her mother; alcoholic father; and younger brother, Bandya. She is the sole earner in her family and embittered at the manner in which life has treated her. She not only chastises Bandya for spending too much time on the street with a goon, Murad, instead of focusing in his studies but also her father. Things take a turn for the worst when Bandya is arrested by Inspector Khare and tortured in the police station. When Shabri goes to see him, Khare attempts to molest her, but she manages to escape. The next day Bandya is found dead allegedly on the grounds that he tried to escape from police custody. Refusing to believe this 'version', Shabri takes a knife and goes to confront Khare. It is this confrontation that will result in Khare's death with his own service revolver, resulting in a manhunt from Vikhroli to Bhendi Bazar, and she will be compelled to seek Murad's help to go in hiding. But things are only to worsen when a heavily ...
Shabri,母亲和兄弟姐妹生活在一个哭穷的日子,父亲是天天爱喝酒的酒鬼。Shabri是家庭唯一的收入来源。他为了解决兄弟姐妹班迪亚和穆拉德花费,外面辛辛苦苦的打工赚钱。 有一天, 警察 Khare某些罪刑逮捕了她的妹妹Bandya,还她进行严厉手段。受不了警局严格惩罚的Bandya,第二天死在警局里。死亡的原因是她在怕自己的罪刑想逃跑,就警察进行了严格的惩罚。 Shabri非常愤怒的杀死了警长 Khare,然后他弟弟穆拉德帮助躲起来。