Plot Summary:At the beginning of the 90s, Laia, a young and kind Catalan woman volunteers to work as a teacher in a school in Kathmandu. She is a determined person, driven solely by her love for children and she is willing to do whatever is needed to make her dream a reality, that is, to teach the needy and poor children of the slums. By her side stands Sharmila, a competent Nepalese teacher who is helping her with the language barrier, constantly trying to keep the necessary balance between Laia's unstoppable desire for radical change in the educational system and the traditional ways of the local impoverished castes. Already two months have passed when out of the blue, an imminent deportation due to her working visa's expiration becomes first in the long list of Laia's problems, threatening to put an end to her efforts. Against time and a corrupt and sluggish system that demands money, the solution comes in the form of a white marriage of convenience when a helpful monk, Riga, recommends Tsering...