Plot Summary:The film is investigating and trying to shed light on various sexual identities and peculiarities outside the accepted sexual norms. The drama is presented by Sara (Lickå Sjöman), the film's female protagonist. "Tabu" is probably regarded as quite unique feature film, even by Swedish standards. It is a detailed depict of sexual minorities. The film tells the story of the sexual reformer Kristoffer (Kjell Bergqvist) and his protégé's.
Peter Paul Muller,Mark van Eeuwen,Loes Haverkort,Tamar Baruch,Pierre Boulanger,珍妮弗·霍夫曼,Eva Duijvestein,Rosa Reuten,Corentin Lobet,Eric Larcin,François Neycken,Benjamin Boutboul,Stéphane Rimbert,Gijs Nollen,Pieter van Terheijden