Plot Summary:This is a true story about a fourteen year-old girl named Emma. Just like any other girl, Emma has a crush; only this crush is on a girl named Alice. Although Emma is a great kid, no matter how hard she tries, she is socially rejected and bullied by her peers. Never the less, her attempts to fit in are relentless.
斯科拉·鲁特,丹·史胡曼斯,姬姆 范科滕,乔纳斯·斯莫德斯,雅各布·德威格,Reinout Bussemaker,Sabine Soetanto,Hanne Arendzen,Dewi Morgaine,Andre Dongelmans,Serge Mensink,达尼·施陶德,卢卡斯·狄克马,Harpert Michielsen,Wil van der Meer