Plot Summary:Tony, a philosophy-major at college sets his mind on becoming a writer: an ambition encouraged by his girlfriend, Annie. Annie sends Tony's assignment: My Fair Laddy, a story pieced together with articles copied from internet and traditional Chinese opera \"Tests of Fidelity\" to cellular phone writing contest website. To everyone's surprise, My Fair Laddy tops the national writing contest, and makes Tony an overnight literary celebrity. Tony adapts the award story into a stage play that mixes traditional opera and modern theater to help promoting the future publication. He asks Chinese Opera Society at school for performing \"Tests of Fidelity\". As for the modern theater part, he knows he needs only one star, the beauty queen of the college, Sophia. Rumor has it that she is extremely difficult to deal with, and that her boyfriend is a popular yet mysterious internet writer. Tony finally convinces Sophia to get on the stage for the sake of art, under one condition issued by her.... she wants a real affair with Tony. Tony, who has long before fallen for Sophia's beauty, now finds himself struggling between desire and morale; while at the same time, his real talent is put on trial. How could he make a plagiarized assignment into a spectacular theater work?