米摩沙公寓Pension Mimosas(1935)


主演:保罗·贝尔纳 弗朗索瓦丝·罗赛 保罗·阿扎伊斯 让-马克斯  

导演:雅克·费代尔 编剧:雅克·费代尔 Jacques Feyder/夏尔·斯巴克 Charles Spaak





Plot Summary:Mr. and Mrs. Noblet run a boarding house on the French Riviera. One day, they are led by circumstances to welcome a little boy Pierre, whose father is in jail, into their home. Which makes Louise Noblet all the happier as she can't have children herself. But, after a while, Pierre's father is released from prison and reclaims his son... Time passes and Pierre, now a young adult, lives in Paris more or less on the wrong side of the law. He has a mistress, Nelly, who does not say no to other men's money... Louise, who still loves Pierre as her own son, wants only one thing - to help him get by.
类别:剧情   影片以赌城蒙地卡罗一家专门为赌徒开设的公寓为背景。一个母亲爱上了她自己的养子。但是他的养子是一个十足的赌徒,对自己的生活失去了其他依靠和信念。他企图把自己从赌场上赢得的钱,去帮她的养子脱离赌徒的生活,然后和她安稳的生活在一起。但是,最后,她竭尽全力,仍阻挡不住养子走上自杀的道路。女主人公是法国老女演员弗朗索阿·罗瑞依饰演,她的表演自成一派。当时在西欧的表演艺术上,主要分成两派。一派是以德国的舞台表演为代表的“夸张派”,主张演员必须“夸张”,“渲染人物的情绪”以便吸引观众的注意。另一派则是法国舞台演员所主张的“自然派”,反对“夸张”的表演。罗瑞依是“自然派”主要代表人物。她在30年代后,把这一派的表演特征带到了电影界,形成了法国电影表演艺术的主要倾向。
