The Country Beyond(1926)


主演:奥利芙·鲍敦 拉尔夫·格雷夫斯 格特鲁德·阿斯特 

导演:埃文·坎明斯 编剧:H·H·考德威尔 H.H. Caldwell/埃文·坎明斯 Irving Cummings

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The Country Beyond:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In the Canadian mountains an orphan girl, Valencia, is left in the care of the abusive Hawkins family. A fugitive outlaw, Roger McKay, stumbles onto the property and immediately falls in love with Valencia. When Mr. Hawkins is killed by his long-suffering spouse, Roger assumes that Valencia committed the murder and confesses to the crime to protect her. Valencia then finds success as a stage actress. One evening, Mountie Sergeant Cassidy shows up backstage and kidnaps her, carrying her back to Canada. The audience is left wondering the reason, until in the final scene we learn that Roger has now been exonerated and he and Valencia are reunited.
