

主演:荣仓奈奈 饭岛直子 西田敏行 前田吟 木之实奈奈 安田显  

导演:尾崎充信 编剧:鈴木聡





Plot Summary:The series takes place in the old shitamachi area of Tokyo, and in these most recent episodes, 20-year old heroine Hitomi becomes the force around which her divorced mother, long estranged from her own father, is forced to reconcile and renew a sense of family camaraderie. This is not particularly easy, given the trifling issues and problems of modern day life that beset each of the characters, and the drama unfolds with a light comedic touch. Hitomi's upbringing is the issue that is constantly brought into focus. The family reconciliation is made possible, ironically through the death of Hitomi's grandmother. Hitomi seizes the opportunity to travel to her funeral from Sapporo. Once there, she sets out to realize her dream of becoming a dancer, all the while interfering with and disrupting her grandfather's life.
目标成为 HIP-HOP舞者而从札幌来到东京的瞳,意外成为3个小孩子的养护者,进而决定于他们成为一家人的故事
