光与影빛과 그림자(2011)

又名:Light and Shadow

主演:安在旭 李必模 南相美 孙淡妃 

导演:李珠环 编剧:崔完圭 Wan-gyoo Choi





Plot Summary:This historical dramatization traces the rise of Kang Ki Tae (Ahn Jae Wook), largely considered Korea's first superstar entertainer. As the son of a rich business owner, Ki Tae discovers early on that he'd much rather goof off than work in one of his father's cinemas. The rascally Ki Tae \"borrows\" money from his dad and runs off to finance his future in film. From Ki Tae's early, humble days on an American military base stage, to his meteoric rise from the 1960's through present day, this drama navigates beyond the smokes and mirrors and fleshes out an inspiring, true story.
安在旭有可能主演11月开播的MBC全新月火剧《光与影》,并成为该剧主演的有力候选人,而安在旭方面目前正在做合约前的最终调整。   如果安在旭能够参演,那么就是自以来阔别三年重返小银幕。有“收视率男”美称的安在旭这几年来却专心演出音乐剧,热衷于舞台上的现场表现,尤其是《开膛手杰克》更是在全韩国五大都市巡演,引起极大的风潮,更从2009年11月开始多次演出,今年7月5日到8月14日更将演出第三季,可见受欢迎的程度。   而今安在旭阔别已久重返小银幕再演电视剧,理所当然相当引起瞩目。并且此次的新剧是因历史大戏大热的编剧崔完奎和导演李株焕的金牌搭档,再次携手合作的全新力作。   剧集《光与影》讲述的是第一位在美第八军的舞台出道的韩国艺人的人生。会涉及到越南战争和516军事政变,以及朴正熙总统遭到暗杀等事件,揭示韩国现代史的大事件。
