Plot Summary:Lockdown plunges head-first into the gritty underworld of some of America's most fearsome prisons. Three thrilling hours provide an unprecedented immersion into life in the "big house": vicious gang leaders, a "prison pretty" newbie, and a gangster turned rat. In this world of absolutes, predators stalk their next prey, gang commanders order hits from isolation, and inmates are armed with deadly weapons. But the prisons are striking back. Institutional weapons of choice include state of the art surveillance and old school isolation. Officers are armed to the hilt with steel batons and pepper spray. Our cameras are there, in the middle of this real-life war zone, where only the strong - and the devious - survive.
美国加州境内监狱遍布,但是修建于1989年、距离旧金山560公里的鹈鹕湾监狱则是其中的最为臭名昭著的黑势力聚集地。17年来,所有的重刑犯都被押送至此,在黑帮分子看来,来到鹈鹕湾监狱是至高无上的荣誉,他们在此镀金,通过斗殴来提升自己的名望和实力。而诸多黑帮老大也在狱中指挥着手下各种非法活动。 狱中,罪犯分为黑人帮、白人帮、北墨西哥帮和南墨西哥帮,他们彼此间斗争不断,放风的时候就是一天中最危险的时刻。为了防治日益严重的监狱暴力,狱警们也筹划起应对之策。但对于那些极其冷血暴戾的囚犯来说,即时被关在恐怖的隔离区内,他们也从未停止任何攻击行动。 这就是加州最为黑暗的鹈鹕湾监狱……