Plot Summary:At the center of this extremely visualized narrative are the illusionist and his brother, who is lazy on the basis of either great love, or exorbitant envy of the brother. Having spoiled the sick son in a psychiatric hospital, the mother blesses the illusionist on a long journey with one suitcase. The ensuing whirlwind of events drags the heroes deeper into his turbulent whirlpool.
1984年荷兰影评人协会奖,荷兰电影金牛犊奖,最佳男主角及最佳长片。 1985年巴西圣保罗国际电影节观众评选最佳影片。 荷兰超现实电影,荷兰鬼才导演Jos Stelling的成名作,他曾经5次获得荷兰电影最高奖--金牛皮奖(Golden Calf),本片也是作品极少的荷兰哑剧表演大师Freek de Jonge与Stelling的唯一合作影片,本片从头到尾无一句对白, 所有演员用出色的身体语言和优美的音乐充分表现了电影的本质,一部难得的电影精品.