探案新窍门 第二季New Tricks(2005)


主演:艾伦·阿姆斯特朗 詹姆斯·伯拉姆 丹尼斯·瓦特曼 阿曼达·雷 

导演:荣·伊斯特 编剧:Roy Mitchell/Nigel McCrery

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探案新窍门 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:New boss Robert Strickland asks the team to reopen the case of David Barrie, a barrister found dead, bound and gagged, in his car in the 1980s. The case was a rare instance of officer-in-charge Ronnie Ross's not getting his man. Chief suspect Michael, now a transsexual called Michaela, had an alibi, but Michaela is involved with Elaine Wanless, a former brothel-keeper who reveals the dead man's penchant for bondage. The team is convinced that both know more about the death than they claim.
BBC的关于大都会警察局“悬疑旧案”部门的喜剧。小组的头是女DS桑德拉普尔曼,既然是和旧事有关,索性就招聘了3个退休侦探:杰克把死去的爱妻埋在后院每天和她聊天,盖里年轻时有名的花心如今要和三个前妻四个女儿共进晚餐,布莱恩是个强迫症、前酒徒和阴谋论者。标题取自一句老话:“You can't teach meijubar.net an old dog new tricks(老家伙学不来新窍门)”。这帮老家伙却成功地在新时代用他们的经验和技,那些疑难案件正中了看似过时的老窍门的道。
