
又名:悲伤逆流成河/River Flows to You/Cry Me A Sad River


主演:马天宇 郑爽 柴碧云 周澄奥 

导演:林红光 编剧:刘飞 Fei Liu/刘辰光 Chenguang Liu/施适 Shi Shi





Plot Summary:Yi Yao and Qi Ming live in the same alley of a neighborhood. Qi Ming, a little bit older than Yi Yao, has been trying to help and protect Yi Yao since they were little. Qi Ming even planted a tree in the backyard of the alley, wishing to bring Yi Yao a warm home in the future. With years of change, Qi Ming helped Yi Yao through a series of ups and downs, including a wrong medical diagnosis, emergency surgery, troubled love affairs and workplace issues. They are finally together after going through thick and thin after college graduation. However, the practical job situation forces the two new lovers to separate. Being young is great, but sometimes it also brings a lot of regrets. Qi Ming and Yi Yao each chase their own young dreams. They come to appreciate what it takes to grow up, and finally strive to live a better life.
从小失去父爱的易遥与似乎毫不关心她的母亲在弄堂里生活了十九年。她不如意的生活里却也有着真正关心她爱护她的好朋友——发小齐铭和大学同学郝湉。齐铭虽损友,仍会在关键时刻保护她;进入大学后,郝湉的单纯善良与热情也让易遥感到少有的舒心。 易遥与发小齐铭青梅竹马,在生活点滴里暗生情愫,当她终于历经曲折与齐铭走到一起时,时间也在毁灭着希望。易遥和齐铭因为工作忙碌而生疏,因为易遥对唐小米的反击而争吵,因为家庭的阻止不堪重负,因为顾森湘的介入越发产生对比…… 最终她与齐铭还是走向了分手。 虽然也许彼此还相爱,但他们之间已经阻隔了太多的东西,所有的一切都成为一道道过不去的坎,想要伸手挽回,却已无力。也许在很多年以后,当易遥经过时间的洗练和沉淀变得更加成熟,在某个阳光明媚的午后,当她踏入与水晶球里的小屋完全一样的房子,还会想起从前那段未完的故事……
