
又名:塞西尔·罗得斯的人生传奇 / Rhodes: Life & Legend of Cecil Rhodes

主演:马丁·肖 弗兰西斯·巴贝 David Butler Phil 

导演:大卫·德鲁 编剧:Antony Thomas





Plot Summary:This 8-part drama series tells the story of Cecil Rhodes, the British 19th-century businessman who became the wealthiest man in the Western world and founded the nation Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). The series tells of how he arrived in South Africa as a teenager, how he made his fortune in gold and diamond mining, and how he led the colonization of large areas of Africa.
An eight-part drama charting the life of the controversial British adventurer and empire-builder.   1. ALL THE WORLD’S DIAMONDS   2. ALL THE WORLD’S GOLD   3. THE PLACE OF THE KILLING   4. THE PRICE OF MY BLOOD   5. THE CHAMELEON AND THE FLY   6. LAND, GOLD AND LOOT   7. UPSETTING THE APPLE CART   8. THE RECKONING
