爱情面包房주노명 베이커리(2000)

又名:Chu Noh-Myoung Bakery, The Wife In Romanc / 淘气烘面包 / 错爱 / Love Bakery


主演:崔民秀 李美妍 吕畇东 黄新惠 

导演:朴宪洙 编剧:朴宪洙 Heon-Soo Park





Plot Summary:Ju No-myeong (Choi) is very happy in his work as a baker. He is content with his simple life but his happiness is shattered when his wife reveals that she is anything but content. She lets her feelings be known through pouting, sighing, and long silences. In fact, the only time she seems to smile is when a certain customer, Mu-seok, enters the shop. This does not go unnoticed by Mu-seok's wife who confronts No-myeong. However, their confrontational relationship soon sweetens when they learn that they share a mutual passion for pastry...
面包师傅鲁明(崔民秀 饰)的妻子贞姬(黄新惠 饰)最近常常唉声叹气,纵使他十分担心妻子,他努力哄着妻子,但仍未见欢容。但每当店里出现顾客武碾(吕钧东 饰)的时候,妻子贞姬便马上展露笑容,妻子的行为使鲁明嫉妒极了。当武碾出现的次数越频繁,与贞姬接触的机会越多,两人之间爱的感觉便越强烈。武碾的太太淑惠(李美妍 饰)也发现自己的丈夫在面包店里与老板娘打情骂俏,她便阻止再次到那件面包店。   这边厢,鲁明也在极力挽救他与贞姬的婚姻。为了自己的婚姻,鲁明找来了淑惠,打算教会她制作糕点,也希望她能挽留自己的丈夫。但意想不到的是,鲁明竟与淑惠发生了感情。
