1914年伟大的夏天Le bel été 1914(1996)

又名:1914晴朗之夏 / 阳光灿烂的1914年夏天 / 1914 the Glorious Summer


主演:克洛德·里什 伊波利特·吉拉尔多 玛丽娅·帕科姆 朱迪斯·亨 

导演:Christian de Chalonge 编剧:Louis Aragon/多米尼克·加尼尔 Dominique Garnier





Plot Summary:A couple take their son for the holidays to an uncle, so short of money that he rents part of his big isolated house to a businessman whose wife and daughters are there on holiday too. An affair develops among the adults, while the children start their own explorations. Deaths, disappearances and financial ruin follow as the world drifts into war.
'Le Bel Ete 1914' finds us in the rural French countryside, prior to the first world war. Gabriel (Robinson Stevenin) a young teen, arrives at the family summer home and immediately falls in love with a distant cousin, before causing mayhem for himself and the family.
