Plot Summary:Romeo is the foremost host club in Kabukicho, thanks in no small part to the Seiya faction, and the dazzling Seiya himself (Kitamura Kazuki); with his innate charm and eccentric style, it is not surprising that he has held the title of No. 1 host for so long, but ambition yet burns within him. On the other hand, newcomer Ryosuke Matoba (Matsuoka Masahiro) struggles to keep his job as his innocence and good intentions toward clients come off as ignorance and sanctimony; conflicted, he attempts to reconcile his idealism with the reality of what it means to be a host. After nearly causing catastrophe for Romeo (which is saved only by Seiya's quick wits) and threatened with disciplinary action, Ryosuke resolves himself to challenge the best and reach No. 1 status his way. Though both may toil intensely and sacrifice immensely, only one will emerge as the Night King.