呀:暗黑骑士铠传呀〈KIBA〉 〜暗黒騎士鎧伝〜(2011)

又名:Kiba: Ankoku Kishi Gaiden / Kiba: Dark Knight Side Story


主演:京本政树 肘井美佳 莉亚·迪桑 

导演:雨宫庆太 编剧:雨宫庆太 Keita Amemiya





Plot Summary:The spirit of Kiba the Dark Makai Knight influenced everything since the beginning. Though he called himself a Makai Knight, Kiba was no different to a Horror. Kiba's spirit resides inside what was once a grey colored Makai Armor that's filled with the dark knowledge of Makai Power. As Barago absorbed Horror after Horror, Kiba eventually deformed into an organically pure black armor with a cape. Kiba assumed full control over his host upon Meisha's defeat by Kouga. Actor and musician Masaki Kyomoto reprises his role as psychologist and counselor Karune Ryuzaki, the disguise for villainous Makai Knight Barago who is later taken over by the Dark Makai Knight Kiba, from the original GARO television series in a film revealing the character's history as well as the character's actions during the television series prior to his final battle. Mika Hijii also reprises her role as Kaoru Mitsuki, the female lead of GARO and one of Ryuzaki's patients who Barago intends to use to revive the Horror...
御月薰在一个漆黑的屋子里醒来了。然后,她所仰慕信任的心理医生龙崎駈音和谜之女魔戒导师艾鲁达出现了。原来,龙崎的真身是堕入黑暗的魔界骑士巴拉贡(暗黑骑士呀),并选中小时候的薰作为霍拉始祖弥赛亚的门。为了准备弥赛亚降临的仪式,龙崎绑架了薰,并把她关了起来。   薰问龙崎:“为什么要把自己的心灵出卖给黑暗?”龙崎答:“我并不是把心灵出卖给了黑暗,而是我自己选择了黑暗。”   然后,龙崎就从做魔戒骑士的父亲和做魔戒法师的母亲一起生活的日子开始,讲起了父母相继死去的悲伤往事……
