
又名:奥里亚娜 / 欧莉安娜


主演:Doris Wells Daniela Silverio R 

导演:芬娜·托雷斯 编剧:Antoine Lacomblez/芬娜·托雷斯 Fina Torres



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Oriana divx 1985



Plot Summary:Maria learns that her aunt Oriana has died and willed her a crumbling and remote Venezuelan hacienda where Maria spent a short time as a girl just entering puberty. Maria goes to the hacienda to prepare the place for sale; while going through her aunt's papers, she recalls her visit years' before. In flashbacks, we see the young Maria trying to sort out why Oriana never leaves the hacienda, what secret may be in Oriana's past, and who the mysterious Sergio was. The young Maria, as she learns things, imagines her aunt's youth, cruel father, and first love. After these reveries within reveries, Maria, now a grown woman, makes one more discovery.
委内瑞拉女导演Fina Torres的处女作,荣获委内瑞拉国内大奖和戛纳电影节金摄影机奖。   少女时代的玛丽(Doris Wells 饰)来到北美亲戚家的庄园度假,在这里遇到了美丽的阿姨欧莉安娜(Doris Wells 饰)。玛丽度过了一段快乐的时光,但隐隐感觉庄园中似乎藏有一些秘密。经过一段时间的相处,玛丽发现阿姨曾经爱上从小一起长大的佣工什格奥(Luis Armando Castillo 饰),但因身份和地位的悬殊受到欧莉安娜父亲的阻挠。什格奥被辞退,欧莉安娜找到他,两个相爱的人终于结合到一起,但他们的爱情似乎注定以悲剧收场……
