名利场Vanity Fair(1911)


主演:Helen Gardner William V. Ranou 

导演:Charles Kent 编剧:Eugene Mullin





Plot Summary:(Reel One) Amelia Sedley, accompanied by Miss Becky Sharpe, returns from boarding school. Becky is a natural born flirt. Bashful Joseph Sedley falls desperately in love with her. He takes her to Vauxhall Gardens, where he makes an ass of himself, is very much ashamed, and refuses to keep his appointment with Becky the next day, sailing for Scotland to escape her wiles. Amelia, with her gentle sweetness, hands Becky a letter from Sir Pitt Crawley, requesting her to repair to Queen's Crawley at once. The next morning, bright and early, she takes her departure to enter Sir Pitt's household as a governess, where she meets Rawdon Crawley, youngest son of Sir Pitt, who falls captive to her charms, bringing upon himself the displeasure of the whole Pitt family. He, notwithstanding, marries Becky. (Reel Two) After their marriage, Becky Sharpe and Rawdon Crawley take up elegant lodgings at Mayfair. Rawdon, who is a captain in the English Army, is resplendent in his uniform. They are visited by...
