人生剧场 续飞车角人生劇場 続・飛車角(1963)

又名:Jinsei gekijo: hisha kaku 2


主演:鹤田浩二 佐久间良子 月形龙之介 梅宫辰夫 长门裕之 东野英 

导演:泽岛忠 编剧:相井抗

人生剧场 续飞车角:在线播放

人生剧场 续飞车角:最新迅雷BT资源

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人生剧场 续飞车角:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Serving his prison time after the events of the first movie, Hishakaku discovers that Otoyo is working as a prostitute in Manchuria. He travels to China to save the woman he still loves, only to get involved in a battle he can never win.
