
又名:Kung Fu Kids Break Away / Lee's Killer Kids


主演:高雄 卡萨伐 黄一龙 

导演:虞戡平 编剧:虞戡平 Kan Ping Yu



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 kung fu kids break away
2019-05-12 Kung.Fu.Kids.Break.Away.1980.DVDRip.XviD-Wizeguys



Plot Summary:After his father dies in a war and his master is shot to death by enemy soldiers, San Mao, a wandering orphan, is in search of the mother he never knew in this comical kung fu tale. Before his master's death, San Mao was taught various styles of acrobatic kung fu and uses these skills to showcase his talents on the street for money. While coming to one such town, he encounters a smart-mouthed little beggar named Qu Pu Li, who currently lives with a teenage orphan girl named Zsa Zsa Meng in the forest. When Qu Pu Li and San Mao meet, they don't exactly see eye to eye. But after a chance encounter with a brutal (but clumsy) man named Ironhead and some local thugs, San Mao and Qu Pu Li decide to put aside their differences and fight to take Ironhead down. Qu Pu Li is thankful for San Mao's help. As a result, he and Zsa Zsa Meng let San Mao stay at their straw home in the forest until San Mao is ready to leave town. While staying with them, Qu Pu Li and Zsa Zsa Meng warn San Mao to watch ...
解放前的旧上海,大资本家、军阀、投机商人、洋人、流氓、骗子横行于世,他们过着养尊处优、挥金如土的腐败日子,而底层人民则穷苦不堪,生活艰辛.大头、圆鼻子、三根头发、瘦小身材,这个外貌滑稽的男孩就是本片的主人公三毛(王龙基 饰)。三毛自幼失去父母,无依无靠的他终日在上海街头流浪,身无分文的他饿极了甚至吃刷广告的浆糊,困了就睡在垃圾车里。为了生存他送报纸、推黄包车、捡烟头,然而霉运却总尾随其后,所有的事都以失败告终。他好心做善事,反遭到诬陷和殴打。不过,生活在黑暗底层的三毛始终保持着诚实善良的性格,他从不愿为一口饭而沦为他人做恶的工具。本片根据著名漫画家张乐平同名连环画改编。
