Nova 绝对零度 (1)

又名:Nova Absolute Zero: The Conquest of Cold




Nova 绝对零度 (1):在线播放

Nova 绝对零度 (1):最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Absolute Zero-Episode I Of II(WTC-SWE)
2019-05-12 Absolute Zero-Episode II Of II(WTC-SWE)

Nova 绝对零度 (1):最新字幕下载

Nova 绝对零度 (1):剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Our mastery of cold is something we take for granted, whether it s air conditioning and frozen food or the liquefied gases and superconductivity at the heart of cutting-edge technology. But what is cold? How do you achieve it, and how cold can it get?
