Plot Summary:A nearly-suicidal, young woman visits a psychotherapist. She is in love with a priest, and the diagnosis of her husband's mental illness leaves no hope. The psychotherapist, in her attempts to resolve the amassed difficulties, seemingly begins to duplicate the life stages and behavioral patterns of her patient. A script for this film is based on motifs from the best-seller, scandalous novel, Witch and Rain, by female author, Jurga Ivanauskaite. By choosing a priest as the main role for a love story, the author broke an existing societal taboo. Faith, Love and Hope form the trilogy by the authors of this screenplay. Love stands as the grandest of the three.
一名差不多有自杀倾向的年轻女子拜访一个心理治疗家。 她爱上一名神父,而她丈夫的精神病被诊断为不治之症。当女心理治疗家在试图解决病人积聚的困难时,她自己也似乎开始重复病人的行为模式,和生活阶段