Plot Summary:The Poor Ones tells the semi-melodramatic story of three poor friends who met in prison where have been sent to on various offenses. These three friends do not want to get out when they are released. What are Abuzer, Haci and Arap going to do when they will be out? They have no one, no jobs... Apart from Haci and Arap, everything will be the same for Abuzer, who doesn't know where to go. He will still be alone, starving on the streets of the big city.
卡辛,何塞·路易斯·洛佩斯·巴斯克斯,Elvira Quintillá,曼纽尔·亚历山大,Mario Bustos,María Francés,Mari Carmen Yepes,Jesús Puche,Roberto Llamas,Amelia de la Torre,Juan G. Medina,何塞·玛丽亚·卡法雷尔,Xan das Bolas,费尔南多·德尔加多,Laura Granados