Plot Summary:The lonely Estrella is an intelligent teenager and good student but is outcast in school. She spends most of her time alone in school or at home, reading horror books or watching horror movies, while her widow mother Angela works as a nurse in a hospital. Her favorite author is Stephen King and her only friends are Leatherface and Vampire. Angela has an unresolved trauma and has kink sex with strangers in the hospital or with the gatekeeper of her building. When a detective meets Angela and tells her that a man that raped her had not died as she thought, the frightening Angela gets Estrella at the bus stop and once at home she prepares a pizza for them. However, Estrella invites her friend Vampire to join them, and when Angela sees her daughter's friend, she feels scary, haunted by her past.
Estrella, 一个10岁的小女孩, 自从很小的时候父亲死后一直与母亲Angela生活. 她是个可爱的孩子, 但太多时间一个人独处了. Estrella喜欢恐怖幻想故事, 为了驱除那些'妖魔鬼怪'给她带来的恐惧, 她便与他们交朋友: 她和他们聊天, 和他们一起上学, 而他们保护她... 一天, Estrella有了个新伙伴朋友, 一个吸血鬼. 但这个'朋友'仅仅是这个小女孩的想象...还是...?