"Eleventh Hour" 1.2 Cardiac(2008)

又名:最后一刻 1.2 致命心脏病


主演:Rufus Sewell Marley Shelton 

导演:Clark Johnson 编剧:Mick Davis

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"Eleventh Hour" 1.2 Cardiac:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Rachel and Jacob investigate the deaths of three 11-year old boys in a Georgia town who seem to have nothing in common except their age, gender, school and the heart attacks that killed them. Understandably in a panic, the town's parents are showing extreme over-protectiveness, but it doesn't prevent the near-death of a doctor's 11-year old son, and the real death of one of his friends, who was widely regarded as a troublemaker.
佐治亚州某小镇,接连发生三起11岁少年心脏病猝死事件,一时间小镇阴云密布。雅克布•胡德(Rufus Sewell 卢夫斯•塞维尔 饰)和蕾切尔•杨(Marley Shelton 玛丽•谢尔顿 饰)走访医院、学校及死者家属,试图弄清事实真相。少年斯蒂芬(Zach Mills 饰)晕倒,胡德从其体内查到可作为致幻剂的蟾蜍色胺,怀疑后进生杰西(Joey Luthman 饰)投毒。两个人顺藤摸瓜,找到蟾蜍的源头丽兹•萨莫斯(Erica Gimpel 饰)——一个饲养毒虫制造药物的女人,但胡德很快将注意力转移到田野中四处生长、带有很强毒性的紫色洋地黄。案情似乎愈加扑朔迷离……
