Plot Summary:The Eagle's Claw school and the Praying Mantis school are rivals. When the Praying Mantis school attacks the Eagles and kills the Eagle's head teacher, the prized student joins the Mantis. The remaining Eagle's Claw students toughen up in order to save their pride and their lives.
导演:李作楠 发行公司: Tai Seng Video Marketing 主演: 王道 戚冠军 张翼 王桂生 葛小宝 梁家仁 华玲 简介: 民朝初年,鹰爪掌门人杨忠悉心传授两爱徒习武,不料昔日的仇家曹马洪前来挑战报仇,并且要铲除鹰爪门.决斗中双方均受重伤.师傅自知在劫难逃,临终前告之要想打败仇家,必须学得仇家的关外绝学螳螂拳.于是在师傅的授意下大弟子陈天雄(戚冠军)背离鹰爪门,投靠仇家曹马洪.二弟子李奇(王道)继承鹰爪的掌门人位.他们的命运又将如何?是否学得了螳螂拳为师报仇......