Plot Summary:Shanghai is a 1935 film directed by James Flood, produced by Walter Wanger, distributed by Paramount Pictures, and starring Loretta Young and Charles Boyer. The picture's supporting cast features Warner Oland, Alison Skipworth, Charley Grapewin, Olive Tell and Keye Luke, and the running time is 75 minutes.
Shanghai is a 1935 film directed by James Flood, produced by Walter Wanger, distributed by Paramount Pictures, and starring Loretta Young and Charles Boyer. The picture's supporting cast features Warner Oland, Alison Skipworth, Charley Grapewin, Olive Tell and Keye Luke, and the running time is 75 minutes.
努里·比格·锡兰,比朱·达摩达兰,箱田优子,赵小利,杨太义,维克多·科萨科夫斯基,王景春,维克多·科萨科夫斯基 Victor Ko ssakovsky,李菁菁,宋威龙,迪纳茨·努尔赛伊提,章家瑞,维纽马德夫·卡加拉,霍猛,杨荔钠,汤姆·摩尔,劳尔·加西亚,石井裕也 Yûya Ishii,苏有朋,谭卓,莱昂内尔·维埃拉,松太加,高薇华,赵涛,岳云鹏,滕丛丛