夏令营噩梦The Butterfly Revolution(1987)

又名:Summer Camp Nightmare


主演:查克·康诺斯 查理·斯垂顿 亚当·卡尔 Harold Pru 

导演:Bert L. Dragin 编剧:William Butler





Plot Summary:At Camp North Pines for Boys, the campers, led by the charismatic Franklin Reilly, stage a revolt against the strict owner, Mr. Warren, and lock him and the rest of the counselors up and take over the camp for themselves. But the revolt soon spirals out of control as the boys also lead a takeover of the nearby girls camp as well. Then, Mr. Warren is accidentally killed trying to escape. Friction soon happens between the two boys and girls camps, which only one camper, a certain Donald Poultry, tries to get the word out and unseat Franklin as the leader.
