改变地球的一代人Generation Earth(2012)







Plot Summary:A look at how man kind not only impacts, but shapes the world to make previously insurmountable obstacles a thing of the past.
Generation Earth is the story of our manmade world In the last generation, we have changed the face of the Earth on a scale unimaginable to our ancestors. Generation Earth discovers how villages in China have been transformed into cities of millions, the tallest building in the world dwarfs the skyscrapers of America, and we have built a dam so big that it has changed the rotation of the planet. Now, this astonishing transformation is charted in an awe-inspiring series. Using state-of-the-art visuals, three films showcase the extraordinary engineering, construction and farming ingenuity that is transforming Earth, propelling us into a new era in this planet´s - and our own - history.
