Plot Summary:Agent Scully is investigating a murder in a backwards town somewhere in Utah without the help of agent Doggett. This mistake would prove near fatal for Scully because the people in the town implant a deadly parasite into her back. It turns out that this parasite has been controlling everyone in the town and forcing them to do its bidding.
尤他州北部荒郊野外,发生了神秘的大巴车乘客被害事件。斯科莉(Gillian Anderson 吉莲•安德森 饰)单独前来调查,现场发现不明粘液。她尾随白色大巴来到一个没有信号和车辆,与世隔绝的破败小镇。车子抛锚,无奈中被困在此地,斯科莉遍寻不到帮助,隐约中预感有人试图阻止她的离开。 当地人请斯科莉照看一个受伤的男人,这个男人背后有个巨大的伤口,里面似乎还有某种奇怪的生物。 留守总部查阅资料的道吉特(Robert Patrick 罗伯特•帕特里克 饰)得知斯科莉消失,他意识到自己搭档也许正陷入危险之中……