The First 100 Years(1924)


主演:Harry Langdon Alice Day Frank  

导演:F. Richard Jones Harry Sweet 

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The First 100 Years:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A man saves his lady love from Black Mike then comes wedded bliss. He hires a cook, who's brusque, domineering, and constantly smoking a cigar. Out of the blue, the couple gets a visit from his old friend, Roland Stone, bluff and portly. Roland befriends our newly-wed's wife, and this friendship deepens after the husband hires a new cook, the lovely Miss Gainsborough, who gives her boss a little too much friendly attention. That night, a prowler skulks, Miss Gainsborough faints, the newly-wed husband comes to her rescue, and she grabs him and holds on. His wife is offended and determines to leave with Roland. Is the marriage over?
