Plot Summary:Gaston Vandermeerssche is a young, resourceful Flemish action hero of the Belgian resistance during World War II: he coaches surviving allied pilots trough occupied Belgium and France to Spain so they can regain England, each time a dangerous adventure as their poor mastery of local languages and customs add to the ever-present risks of trying to outsmart the Nazi troops and Gestapo agents. After a mess-up in the coordination from London he himself gets caught by the dreaded secret police for ruthless interrogation...
Laurien Van den Broeck,德克·洛弗特,肯·德·布沃,沃纳·德·斯曼特,Hilde De Baerdemaeker,基尔特·范·朗拜博格,简·德克莱尔,Patrick Descamps,Anne-Caroline Suberville,Jan Dyck,Miek Van Bocxtaele,Deborah Ostrega,吉恩·伯沃依兹,埃尔斯·多特曼斯,Lucas van den Eijnde