实习医生风云 第八季Scrubs(2009)

主演:扎克·布拉夫 萨拉·乔克 唐纳德·法森 尼尔·弗林 肯·詹金 

导演:Michael Spiller 编剧:Angela Nissel/Bill Lawrence

实习医生风云 第八季:在线播放

实习医生风云 第八季:最新迅雷BT资源

实习医生风云 第八季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The new chief of medicine turns out to be as callous as Dr. Kelso, J.D. gives up on his intern class after they let him down, and Eliot is too self-absorbed to realize that Keith is still hurt from their breakup.
