Plot Summary:Mathan is 17 and struggles with his sexuality and his feelings for his friend François. Over a two summer period, with his friends François and Virginie, he tries to discover his desires, face homophobia and overcome the fear of not being accepted as he truly is.
José Luis García,Joaquín Cascales Zarzo,Alberto Jiménez,José Sierra,Mari Carmen Aymat,Ana María Vidal,Carmen Franco,Matilde Asencio,Concha Gómez Conde,Félix Dafauce,Rosario García Ortega,玛丽亚·路易莎·庞特,Carlos Díaz de Mendoza,Tilma Galy,Elías García,Goyo Lebrero,阿德里亚诺·里莫尔迪,安赫尔·阿尔瓦雷斯