Deaf Jam(2012)



导演:Judy Lieff 

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Deaf Jam:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In Deaf Jam, Aneta Brodski seizes the day. She is a Deaf teen introduced to American Sign Language (ASL) poetry, who then boldly enters the spoken word slam scene. In a wondrous twist, Aneta, an Israeli immigrant living in the Queens section of New York City, eventually meets Tahani, a hearing Palestinian slam poet. The two young women embark on a hearing/deaf collaboration, a performance duet that is a metaphor for the complex realities they share - generating a new form of slam poetry that speaks to both the hearing and the Deaf.
他們聽不見,卻能用手語譜出動人詩篇   安妮塔.波絲基(Aneta Brodski)是一名聽障少女,在接觸了美國手語詩後,勇敢地進入手語尬詩的競賽世界。在一個巧妙機緣之下,安妮塔,這名住在紐約皇后區的以色列移民,遇上了戴哈妮,她是巴勒斯坦裔的聽人,同時也是手語尬詩的選手。她們共同展開一場雙人表演,詩篇、友誼和尊重,超越了彼此的政治立場,兩人合作創造了一種新型式的滿貫詩(slam poetry)。美國手語詩是種立體的語言,像舞蹈一樣真實地存在空間裡,展現了驚人的力道與美學,透過手勢的不斷變換,形成了節奏與韻律的驚人視覺效果,猶如透過肢體語言翩然起舞,述說著她們的心聲。《手語尬詩》很可能永遠改變我們對於聾人世界的看法,並且讓聽障人士能透過本片得到力量,也可擴展世人對聾人世界的想像。
