暗转(下)Blackout: Part 2(2011)


主演:海莉·达芙 肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里 安妮·海切 詹姆斯·布 

导演:布拉德福德·梅 编剧:Dan Fitzsimons/Brian Katkin





Plot Summary:All it takes is a glitch in the system of our lives to expose our deepest fears. What happens then? The answer comes in shock waves when an unprecedented conspiracy pitches the West Coast into total darkness. After being charged with hacking into the Pentagon security system, computer-whiz Josh Martin is kidnapped during house arrest and delivered to a shadowy criminal known as Charles Keller. Requested to hack into the state's highly advanced electrical system and shut it down, it's clear what Keller wants--total chaos. When California goes dark, he gets what he wants. And tonight, no one will be prepared for what's about to happen. Agent Strickland of Homeland Security's Cyber Terrorism Division fears the worst. So does Beth, a news director sticking dangerously close to the largest disaster the country has ever faced. City by city, the West Coast is blacking out as looting escalates and the worst impulses of man are unleashed. As bedlam reigns, an expert squadron must determine the...
