Plot Summary:Womanizer Don Mateo helps a girl in a train when attacked by a other woman. This girl, Conchita - a cigarette maker, soon visits the rich Don Mateo at his palace in Sevillia. He falls for her, but she likes to play with him. Sometimes she encourages his advances, then she rejects him. Furthermore, there's a portrait of a young man in her room. When he offers her money her mother urges her to accept, she runs away. Some months later he discovers her dancing flamenco in a sleazy cabaret. She notices him, flirts with other customers, then with the young man from the portrait, before she starts talking again with Don Mateo. But the manager asks her to prepare for the next number. Don Mateo soon realises, that that next number is not on the stage, but in a different room. There she dances in the nude (shown!) for rich tourists. He interrupts her dance and asks her to quit. She half accepts and starts dancing in a different place. A rendez-vous with Mateo is again used to make him mad with love and jealousy. When he learns that the man in the picture is paid by Conchita to act as her lover, he gives up and decides to move to Paris with a friend. But then Conchita shows up to confess her love and they start a real romance...
孔奇塔·蒙特内格罗,Mariano Alcón,Joaquín Burgos,Antonio Calero,Ricardo Calvo,Manuel de Juan,Julio Rey de las Heras,Miguel del Castillo,Ramón Elías,Félix Fernández,César Guzmán,Manuel Kayser,Luis Latorre,Guillermo Marín,Carlos Muñoz