The Opening Night(1927)


主演:Claire Windsor 约翰·鲍尔斯 E·阿兰·沃伦  

导演:爱德华·H·格里菲斯 编剧:爱德华·H·格里菲斯 Edward H. Griffith

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The Opening Night:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:When theatrical producer Robert Chandler (E. Alyn Warren), believed drowned in a fishing accident, turns up as a lonely, broken amnesiac three months later, he arrives just in time to see his actress wife Carol Chandler (Claire Windsor), thought to be a widow, marrying her leading man Jimmy Keane (John Bowers). Rather than mar her new-found happiness, he takes a job washing cars. New York City is a small town.Will Carol need her car washed?
