Plot Summary:A father, anxious for his son's financial well being, develops a special soda pop called Dopokoke which is laced with cocaine. Dopokoke is advertised as relief "for that tired feeling." The drink is a success, but the son becomes addicted to it, much to his father's regret. Loosely based on the allegations that the Coca-Cola company and other soft drink manufacturers laced their soda with dope.
亨利·B·沃斯奥,Grace Henderson,桃乐丝·韦斯特,Joseph Graybill,Charles West,William J. Butler,埃德温·奥古斯特,Verner Clarges,John T. Dillon,格拉迪斯·伊根,Frank Evans,Francis J. Grandon,Alfred Paget,Mabel Van Buren